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Homeschooling is a growing option in McHenry County. There are many established groups and resources that help new and veteran homeschool families. We hope you find the below information helpful in your homeschool journey.
Did we miss your favorite below? Are you a business/provider that would like to be added to our directory? Drop a comment below, and we will gladly add!
Northern Illinois Parents is a research based resource for families. Please note we are not responsible for changes to businesses or the services they provide. However if any information we have provided needs to be updated, please help us do so by leaving a comment below, and we will be sure to do so accordingly.
- Co-ops
- Facebook Groups
- Online/Hybrid Schooling
- Supplies/Curriculum
- Support Groups
- Website Resources
Afternoon Occupations: A Charlotte Mason Gathering Co-Op
Cover the Charlotte Mason subjects best done with a small group: nature study, scouting, folk dance, handicrafts, sloyd, and others.
Address: Conservation areas around McHenry County
Email: catherine.knight@gmail.com
AIM Home School Cooperative
Christian co-op offering non-credit enrichment classes for pre-K through high school, and for-credit high school classes.
Address: Indian Hills Bible Church in Ingleside, IL
Email: aimhscoop@gmail.com
Website: https://www.homeschool-life.com/1387/
Apple Tree North
Christian homeschooling co-operative for children 1st-12th grade and their younger siblings.
Address: Lake Villa
Email: appletreehomeschoolinfo@gmail.com
Website: https://www.homeschool-life.com/il/appletree/
G.I.F.T. Homeschool Co-Op
Christian co-op enrichment program that offers fine arts classes to homeschoolers of all ages (pre-school through adult).
Address: 17N230 Manning Road (Church on the Rock), Hampshire, IL
Email: giftregistration@hotmail.com
Website: https://www.homeschool-life.com/1872/
Grace Community Co-Op
Group of Christian home school families cooperating to educate, stimulate, and support one another in our calling to educate our children at home to bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.
Address: Crystal Lake, IL
Email: gracehomeschool123@gmail.com
H.E.A.R.T. (Homeschool Enrichment Achieved Respectfully Together) Cooperative
Nine-month, weekly enrichment program that employs passionate, Christian instructors in the areas of art, science, spanish, physical education, music, and more.
Address: 1600 East Main Street, Barrington, IL 60010
Email: HEARTHSEnrichment@gmail.com
Website: www.HEARThsenrichment.com
Hilltop Christian Community Co-Op
Hilltop Christian Community is a hybrid homeschool cooperative.
Address: P.O. Box 2121, Crystal Lake, IL 60039
Email: hilltopchristiancommunity@gmail.com
Website: https://homeschool-life.com/il/hilltop/
Veritas Catholic Home Education Cooperative
Homeschooling cooperative of Catholic families that meets in Huntley, Illinois.
Address: Huntley, IL
Email: veritascatholiccooperative@gmail.com
McHenry County Homeschool Happenings
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/551086748372859/
Illinois Homeschooling
Classical Consortium Academy (In-person hybrid)
Website: www.ClassicalConsortiumAcademy.com
K12 Private Academy
Website: https://www.k12.com/
Power Homeschool (Acellus® courses)
Website: https://www.powerhomeschool.org/
Time 4 Learning
Website: https://www.time4learning.com/
Carson Dellosa
Website: https://www.carsondellosa.com/
Homeschool Buyers Club
Website: https://homeschoolbuyersclub.com/
Website: https://www.kaplanco.com/
Website: https://www.scholastic.com/home
Barrington Area Home Schoolers
Christian organization that exists to strengthen home educating families in the north and northwest suburban counties of Chicago.
Address: Multiple
Email: BarringtonAreaHomeschoolers@gmail.com
Website: BarringtonAreaHomeschoolers.org
Chain of Lakes Homeschoolers
Inclusive, non-sectarian support group for families exercising their right to homeschool.
Address: Centered in the Chain of Lakes area of Lake and McHenry Counties
Email: jen@mark-martin.com
Classical Conversations
Helps you cultivate an inquisitive, thoughtful child through an intentional, community-based approach.
Address: N/A
Email: jhultman@classicalconversations.com
Heritage Homeschool Group
Christian mother’s support group that meets once a month in Harvard. They offer occasional field trips for member children. Statement of Faith required.
Address: Harvard, IL
Phone: (815) 943-1934
Schaumburg House
Non-sectarian group of homeschoolers that supports all educational philosophies and family lifestyles. We facilitate activities, classes, cultural events, and general gatherings to help our children in making friends and being part of a larger community.
Address: Schaumburg, IL and many neighboring Chicago suburbs
Email: schaumburghouse@gmail.com
Website: schaumburghouse.org
Society of St. Scholastica Home School Group SOSS
Catholic homeschool group that primarily draws from Lake and McHenry County.
Address: Lake County and McHenry County, IL
Email: N/A
Website: http://sosscatholichomeschooling.org/
Splendor of Truth Catholic Home Educators (SOTCHE)
Group of homeschooling Catholic families. All members adhere to and respect the Magisterium and Catechism of the Catholic Church.
Address: Spans the IL/WI border: from southeastern Wisconsin to northeastern Illinois. We have families from Racine, WI to Lake Bluff, IL and from Lake Michigan to McHenry County, IL.
Email: info@sotche.org
Website: www.sotche.org
Book It
Website: https://www.bookitprogram.com/
Johnsburg Public Library
Website: https://johnsburglibrary.org/mchenry-county-homeschooling-groups/
Website: https://hslda.org/
Website: Homeschool.com
Illinois Christian Home Educators
Website: http://www.iche.org/
Illinois H.O.U.S.E.
Website: http://www.illinoishouse.org/
Website: https://www.isbe.net/pages/homeschool.aspx
McHenry Library
Website: https://mchenrylibrary.org/index.php/my-library/young-children/homeschool-resources?device=desktop
My School Year
Website: https://www.myschoolyear.com/
Popcorn & Peanuts (ALL the Illinois Home Education Laws in One Place)
Website: https://myplace.frontier.com/~peanutsmama/illaws.html